The middle and small-sized enterprise of science and technology is very important in the economical growth, social development and enhancing the comprehensive national power. 科技型中小企业是我国经济增长、社会进步与提高综合国力的重要力量。
Mercantilists believed that these means of achieving national power could be made effective by the passage and strict enforcement of legislation regulating economic life. 重商主义者认为,这些增强国力的手段可以由通过并严格执行规范经济生活的法规来实现。
Launching the research at the core competence, not only concerns the survival and development of enterprises, but also concerns the synthetic national power of a country. 开展核心竞争力培育的研究,不仅关系到企业的生存与发展,而且关系到一个国家的综合国力的强弱。
First of all, the gap in national power between America and China remains huge. 首先,中美两国的国力差距仍相当大。
This is not just because tea party influenced candidates are often a little eccentric. It is also because the tea party thinks and behaves like a beleaguered minority rather than a movement that believes it can win national power and govern. 这并不只是因为茶叶党影响的候选人经常有一些古怪,也是因为茶叶党的思维和举止都像是困境中的少数派,而非相信自己能够赢得国家权力并执政的运动。
A country's development needs the development of our national power and mainly depend on the country's continuable development. 国家发展,必须增强国力,国力的增强主要靠可持续发展。
Currently, the implementation of the strategy of invigorating our nation by science and education and opening and reform is vital to the our international competetion in terms of our development of science& technology and strengthening of our overall national power. 当前,实施科教兴国战略和对外开放战略,是我国面对世界范围科学技术迅猛发展和综合国力剧烈竞争的重要手段。
We must harness and synchronize all the instruments of national power to win the War on Terrorism. 我们必须利用和协调使用所有的国家力量来批赢反恐战争。
We have a long track record in China and are pleased to continue supporting the country in its efforts to strengthen the national power infrastructure and minimize environmental impact. 我们跟中国有着长久的合作,也很高兴可以继续支持这个国家加强其国内电力基础设施和减低环境影响的努力。
This is another one of these major "isms" that emerged in the early19th century in response to the ascendancy of the French Revolution and expansion of French national power. 这是另一个对这些主要的“主义”,在19世纪初出现了响应的法国大革命和法国国家权力的扩张优势之一。
Science and technology are primary productive forces, the quality is the first national power; 科学技术是第一生产力,国民素质则是第一国力;
In the transition process of the Russian federal political system different so-cio-political powers contend and couide each other for framing the national power system, and perform a series of political tragedies and comedies. 俄联邦政治体制的变迁中,不同的社会政治力量在国家权力体制的构建中猛烈的交锋撞击,上演了一幕幕惊心动魄的政治悲喜剧。
After the Cold War, different countries competed around the Gross National Power. 冷战结束后,各国之间的竞争围绕着综合国力展开;
There is currently no one widely recognized electricity market model that is perfect for every nation and its national power grid. 目前国际上还设有一个公认的完美的电力市场模式可以适用于各国不同的国情和电网的实际情况。
The international competition in economy, science and comprehensive national power is actually the competition of intelligence and talents. 国际间经济竞争、科技竞争乃至综合国力的竞争,实际上是智力和人才的竞争。
Close to the national power grid and the traffic trunk lines to help reducing the cost and the test progressing smoothly; 距国家电网和交通主干道较近,有利于降低成本和试验的顺利进行。
A: China welcomes the national power distribution agreement reached by the Sudanese Government and the anti-government militants. 答:中方对苏丹政府同反政府武装达成国家权力分配协议表示欢迎。
The system of personalism is elevated from common legislature to constitution owing to the political prominence of the national power. 人格权制度从一般公法进入宪法,其根本原因在于:商品经济条件下,国家权力的政治合法性凸显。
Will it be competitive, based on the assertion of national power, or co-operative, framed by international rules? 它将是一种建立在国家实力扩张基础上的竞争体系呢,还是一种由国际规则来框定的合作体系?
By analyzing the relationship between hearing system and governance, this paper points out that the essence of good governance is to return the national power to the people, and the key means of governance is public policy. 摘要通过分析听证与治理的关系,指出善治的实质是国家权力向社会的回归,治理的核心手段是公共政策。
Delegates favour reforms that conform to national interests and promote national power. 代表们主张进行符合国家利益、增强国家力量的改革。
This indicator reflects the actual utilization of total labor force during a certain period of time and is often used for the research on China's economic situation and national power. 这一指标反映了一定时期内全部劳动力资源的实际利用情况,是研究我国基本国情国力的重要指标。
The resulting voltage produced is sinusoidal or AC that can be configured to three-phase power usable with the national power grid. 产生的电压产生的正弦或交流,可以配置为三相电源与国家电网使用。
The basic research is the headwaters of the high technology, the cradle of talents, the assurance of continuable development of a country, the important foundation of advanced culture and the stratagemical resources of comprehensive national power. 基础研究是高技术发展的重要源头、创新人才培育的重要摇篮、实现可持续发展的重要保障、建设先进文化的重要基础和综合国力竞争的重要战略资源。
The villain is a modern-day Mongol with dreams of restoring national power and pride. 故事中的反派是一个现代的蒙古人,做着有朝一日复国的大梦;
The rising of China has not merely caused the dispute to his national power and position both at home and abroad, and has caused people's suspicion of socialist nature and position. 中国的崛起不仅引起了国内外对其国力和地位的争议,而且引起了人们对社会主义性质和立场的猜疑。
Both the soft power and the hard power are important components of the comprehensive national power. 软权力和硬权力都是国家综合国力的重要组成部分。
The mutual influence of AE and BE is relevant to the strength and weakness of national power of two countries. 英国英语和美国英语相互影响的大小与两国的国力强弱有关。
The first is a significant boost in investments in clean energy and an upgraded national power grid. 首先要大幅增加在清洁能源和国家电网升级上的投资。
Consequently, we should develop our institution keeping in mind the bi-values-power model, under which national power and social power coexist harmoniously, in the civilization of rule of law. 因此,在建设法治文明的过程中,必须要以国家权力与社会权力和谐并存的二元权力范式来构建我们的制度。